Posted by: mindandbodyexercises | November 22, 2023

What is the PERMA-V Model for Flourishing?

Dr. Martin Seligman, a psychologist and one of the founders of positive psychology, introduced the concept of PERMA as a framework for understanding and cultivating well-being and happiness. PERMA is an acronym that represents five essential elements of a fulfilling and meaningful life. Here’s a brief summary of each component:

  1. Positive Emotions (P): This refers to experiencing and cultivating positive feelings such as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, and love. Fostering positive emotions is seen as a crucial aspect of overall well-being.
  2. Engagement (E): Also known as “flow,” engagement involves being fully absorbed and immersed in activities that challenge and utilize one’s skills. When individuals are engaged in what they’re doing, they often lose track of time and experience a sense of deep satisfaction.
  3. Relationships (R): Positive social connections and meaningful relationships contribute significantly to well-being. Maintaining healthy and supportive relationships with friends, family, and community fosters a sense of belonging and social support.
  4. Meaning (M): Finding meaning and purpose in life is essential for well-being. This involves understanding one’s strengths and values and using them to contribute to something larger than oneself, whether it be through work, relationships, or other pursuits.
  5. Accomplishment (A): Achieving goals and accomplishments, both big and small, contributes to a sense of competence and mastery. Setting and reaching goals provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  6. Vitality (V): There has been an update to Seligman’s PERMA model, and the “V” for Vitality has been added. This addition expands the model to include physical well-being as a crucial component. Vitality encompasses the importance of a healthy and energized body. It involves paying attention to nutrition, exercise, sleep, and other factors that contribute to physical well-being.

The PERMA-V model suggests that these six elements work together to enhance overall well-being, and individuals can focus on cultivating each aspect in their lives to lead a more flourishing and satisfying existence.


I teach and offer lectures about holistic health, qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, meditation, phytotherapy (herbs), music for healing, self-massage, and yoga. I also have hundreds of FREE education video classes, lectures and seminars available on my YouTube channel at:

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Jim Moltzan


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